Borrowing regulations

When you lend or use material at Marie Cederschiöld university library you commit to our borrowing regulations.

Click here for a useful list of library terms in Swedish and English.

Lending conditions

Before you can borrow or put a hold on books you need to visit the library and get you library card. Bring your id. You need to be 18 years old to borrow books at our library. Only students at Marie Cederschiöld university can borrow books from the shelves 'Kurs' (course books) and 'Infodisk', and also sheetmusic and music recordings. External library users who are not students or employees at Marie Cederschiöld university are allowed 10 loans at once.

As a library user you commit to

  • return borrowed books in time
  • make sure that the library have your current contact details, like your e-mail address and phone number
  • not write in or make any other damage to the library books and other resources.

My library account

You can find details about your loans, reservations and any fees in your library account. Students and employees at MCHS log in with the same username and password that is used for LMS/student e-mail/ work computer. External library users log in with the username and password that they chose when registering for a library account.

loan period and Overdue fines

'Kurs' (curse books) have a loan period of 7 days. Overdue fine is 15 SEK per book and day.

Other books have a loan period of 21 days. Overdue fine is 5 SEK per book and day.

'Daglån' (one day loans) are now discontinued. If you returned a Daglån late before they were discontinued the overdue fine of 25 SEK per book and day is still valid.

Your loans are automatically renewed, up to 5 times. You get a recall notice via e-mail when the loan period for a book is renewed or when you have to return the book. Read the e-mails carefully. After the loan period you are obliged to return your loans immediately. Please note that there are no automatic renewals if another library user has placed a hold on the book you have borrowed or if you are blocked.

  • When a book must be returned you will get a recall notice via e-mail. You need to return a recalled book immediately.
  • If your overdue fines exceed 100 SEK or if you get a third recall notice you are blocked until you have returned the books and paid the fine.
  • The fine is paid at the library counter by Swish or bank transfer.
  • You need to pay the whole fee at the same time, which means that you cannot pay a fee in installments. A maximum of SEK 500 is withdrawn on one and the same return occasion.
  • Books that are not returned: we invoice lost or destroyed material according to the purchase price, but no less than 500 SEK per book (which includes the administration cost for the library).

Put a hold on books

You can only put a hold on books that are already on loan, or that are placed in our closed stacks ('magasin'). It is not possible to put a hold on a book that is on the shelf – first come first served! Please note that if you put a hold on a book from our closed stacks, it will take a coulpe of days for us to make it available for you.

Interlibrary loans

If the library does not have an article or a book that is needed for research or studies at Marie Cederschiöld university we can borrow it from another library. Please fill in the forms (the form is in Swedish) for ordering a book or an an article.

The library lending us the book decides on the loan period for interlibrary loans. When you get a recall message you are obliged to immediately return your loans. Students cannot order books that are available at a library in Stockholm County.

Articles ordered for students costs 50 SEK per article. If the library does not get paid for an article that has been ordered the cost is put on the persons library account as an overdue fine.

Personal data

To give you access to the Marie Cederschiöld university library resources we need to manage your personal data (name, address, personal number*, phone number and e-mail address). This management follows the regulatory framework of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which applies throughout the EU.

When you register for a library account at our library you enter into an agreement with Marie cederschiöld univerity library. The library need to manage your persnal data to administer your loans, give you access to electronic resources, etc. We will never use your personal data for anything else than what is required for you to be able to use the library services. You can choose to end the agreement at any time, provided that you have fulfilled your obligations towards the library, and we will then erase your personal data. If you do not choose to end the agreement your inactive library account will be deleted two years after you have finished your studies. An inactive library account of external library members/patrons will be deleted after two years.

*We do not register personal number for students and staff.

Page information

Last updated:
30 May 2024