Third-cycle courses and PhD programme

Marie Cederschiöld University has offered third-cycle courses and a PhD programme within the field The Individual in the Welfare Society since autumn 2015. The aim is to increase knowledge and skills within the third-cycle subject areas Social Welfare and the Civil Society and Palliative Care.
This domain encompasses a field of knowledge that gives scope to both the individual receiving care and social welfare aswell as public interests and conditions. The subject Social Welfare and the Civil Society examines the conditions for division of work and responsibility between the individual, families, civil society and public service obligations, while the subject Palliative Care examines health-promoting, supportive and palliative interventions in connection with complex situations involving the end of life, death and grief. The objective is to educate independent and critical researchers, who possess theoretical and methodological skills and who can conduct scientific research of a high standard within the field.
The courses and programme lead to a Degree of Doctor (240 ECTS) or a Degree of Licentiate (120 ECTS) within each subject.
The courses and programme for the degree of doctor/licentiate involve a total of 240/120 ECTS (credits) split between a course element providing 60/30 ECTS and a doctoral thesis/licentiate thesis providing 180/90 ECTS. Teaching takes the form of courses, seminars and supervision of the thesis project. In addition, there are public seminars and guest lectures.
Page information
- Last updated:
- 4 January 2022