Money and the meaning of money

In this project, three integrated sub-projects are being analysed: money as an artefact, money as a concept and "money" as a phenomenon.

As an artefact, money is a product of human activity that influences behaviour and relationships. The term money denotes the physical or electronic artefact itself. The meaning of "money" is being analysed phenomenologically. What are the conditions that create such social, emotional, logical or moral resistance that certain things are not exchanged for money, for example: body parts, titles, honour, legal decisions, "crown jewels" and other taboos? Such limitations in the functionality of money - the limit of commercialisation – indicate characteristics that are related to the inherent essence of money. If that limit is crossed, then money has instead a negative, corrupt valuation potential.

The project also includes applied research where theoretical analysis is used to discuss the conditions for the use of money in non-profit organisations and voluntary work.

The project will be reported in a monograph.

Samhällsfrågor att arbeta med i framtiden

Vi har kopplat våra utbildningar till FN:s 17 globala mål för hållbar utveckling. Detta är mål som du kan få verktyg att arbeta med i framtiden:

U.N's global goals: No povertyU.N's global goals: Gender equalityU.N's global goals: Reduced inequalitiesU.N's global goals: Responsible consumption and production

About the project:

Time period: 2020-2023
Research area: Social work
Project status: Finished

Page information

Last updated:
31 January 2025