Pelle Åberg

The Department of Civil Society and Religion, The Institutet for Commissioned Education

Title: Associate Professor, Director of Studies

Phone: +46-76 636 51 29


Address: Marie Cederschiöld högskola, Box 11189, 100 61 Stockholm
Visiting address: Erstagatan 1N

Area of work


Pelle Åberg holds a Ph.D. in political science from Stockholm University (2008). During his time as a Ph.D. student he was employed at Södertörn University. After receiving his degree he has been employed as an assistant professor and researcher at the School of Social Sciences and the Centre for Baltic and East European Studies at Södertörn University (2009-2016) and as researcher at the Department of Political Science, Lund University (2013). He has also been active as a researcher and assistant professor at Ersta Sköndal Bräcke University College since January 2008. Pelle Åberg was appointed Associate Professor (Docent) in Political Science at Ersta Sköndal Bräcke University College in 2015.

Research interests

Pelle Åberg’s research interests include issues concerning transnational civil society, the diffusion and translation of ideas, the relationship between civil society and democracy, popular education (folkbildning), and organizational theory. In his dissertation, he examined cooperation projects between Swedish Estonian popular education organizations with a main focus on questions of what was disseminated through the contacts between the organizations and not least how this was adjusted or "translated" by Estonian actors to fit the new context.

After receiving his Ph.D., Pelle Åberg worked in several projects investigating Swedish study associations and folk high schools, and how they can be understood in relation to the concept of civil society. He has also studied fatherhood discourses and so called “daddy-schools” in Russia as well as relations between the EU and civil society. In recent years he has also been involved in a research project studying Swedish think tanks ( mellan-kunskap-och-ideologi) and he is currently working on projects studying local civil societies in rural areas.


Pelle Åberg has been responsible for and has taught on courses dealing with public administration, civil society and social capital, transnational activism, democracy and the organization of the Swedish welfare state. He has also supervised undergraduate theses on different levels in both political science and social work at both Södertörn University and Ersta Sköndal Bräcke University College. He is also responsible for several courses on the “Master Program in Social Work – Research and Development in Civil Society” as well as for courses at the Institute for Commissioned Education at Ersta Sköndal Bräcke University College. Since 2020, he is also Director of Studies at the Institute for Commissioned Education with a particular focus on educations for and about civil society and its organizations.



Pelle Åberg, Johan von Essen, Patrik Cras, Marie Nordfeldt, Kjell Hansen (2024). Folkbildning i landsbygder: Om folkbildningens betydelser för människor och lokalsamhällen i svenska landsbygder
Mattias Larsson, Pelle Åberg (2023). Civilsamhälleskartan Värmland: Civilsamhället i siffror 2023
Mattias Larsson, Eddie Vega, Pelle Åberg (2023). Civilsamhället i Uppsala län: En kartläggning av omfattning och utbredning 2022
Patrik Cras, Marie Nordfeldt, Pelle Åberg, Johan von Essen (2023). Kan civilsamhället lösa landsbygdens samhällsutmaningar?
Patrik Cras, Johan von Essen, Pelle Åberg (2022). Ett möte mellan civilsamhällesforskning och landsbygdsforskning
Johan von Essen, Pelle Åberg (2022). Landsbygdens civilsamhällen som bärare av resurser
Patrik Cras, Johan von Essen, Kjell Hansen, Marie Nordfeldt, Pelle Åberg (2022). Landsbygdernas och de mindre orternas civilsamhällen
Patrik Cras, Johan von Essen, Marie Nordfeldt, Pelle Åberg (2022). Om lantbrukarnas riksförbund som folkrörelseorganisation: Lokalavdelningarnas betydelser på landsbygden
Thor Rutgersson, Pelle Åberg (2020). Cirkelns betydelser: En studie om deltagare i studieförbundens studiecirklar 2019
Pelle Åberg, Stefan Einarsson, Marta Reuter (2020). Organizational Identity of Think Tank(er)s: A Growing Elite Group in Swedish Civil Society
Pelle Åberg, Stefan Einarsson, Marta Reuter (2019). Think Tanks: New Organizational Actors in a Changing Swedish Civil Society
Pelle Åberg (2018). Att lära, umgås och må bra som äldre: Studiecirkeldeltagande och sociala aspekter av lärande
Pelle Åberg (2018). Svensk folkbildning i estnisk tappning?
Pelle Åberg, Joakim Ekman, Johnny Rodin (2018). What should a Russian father be like?: Exploring fatherhood norms and identifying norm patterns among inhabitants of Saint Petersburg
Pelle Åberg, Johnny Rodin (2017). Civil Society and Fatherhood in Russia: The Case of Daddy-Schools in Saint Petersburg
Pelle Åberg (2017). Civilsamhälle på export: Studiecirklar och pappaskolor
Pelle Åberg (2016). Guest Column: Study Circles Foster Friendship and Well-Being
Pelle Åberg (2016). Non-Formal Learning and Well-Being among Older Adults: Links between Participation in Swedish Study Circles, Feelings of Well-Being and Social Aspects of Learning
Pelle Åberg (2016). Vad vet vi om den ryska pappan?: Utvecklingen av faderskapsnormer från ett historiskt och internationellt perspektiv
Pelle Åberg (2015). Civil Society and Biopolitics in Contemporary Russia: The Case of Russian "Daddy-Schools"
Pelle Åberg (2015). Myths and Traditions as Constraints or Resources?: Path Dependency and Decoupling Strategies among Civil Society Organizations
Eva Andersson, Mats Bernerstedt, Jan Forsmark, Klas Rydenstam, Pelle Åberg (2014). Cirkeldeltagare efter 65: Livskvalitet och aktivt medborgarskap
Pelle Åberg, Johan von Essen (2014). Managing life in an “iron cage”
Pelle Åberg (2014). Medborgarskap och utbildningens instrumentalisering: Martha Nussbaum och den demokratiska medborgaren
Pelle Åberg (2014). Promoting Active Fathers: The Birth and Development of a Civic Initiative in Contemporary Northwestern Russia
Rebecka Andersen, Ola Segnestam Larsson, Pelle Åberg (2014). Svenska ideella organisationers mervärde i biståndet
Johnny Rodin, Pelle Åberg (2013). Fatherhood across space and time: Russia in perspective
Pelle Åberg (2013). Managing expectations, demands and myths: Swedish study associations caught between civil society, the state and the market
Pelle Åberg, Michal Bron Jr, Marcella Milana (2013). Obučenie vzroslych demokratičeskoj graždanstvennosti: zadača graždanskogo obščestva?
Pelle Åberg, Johan von Essen (2013). Tradition, resurs eller nödvändighet?: Om relationerna mellan folkhögskolor och deras huvudmän
Pelle Åberg (2012). Den vilda jakten på legitimiteten
Johan von Essen, Timmy Larsson, Anita Nordzell, Gunnar Sundgren, Pelle Åberg (2012). Mening på marknad?
Pelle Åberg (2011). Change in Motion or Processing Change
Pelle Åberg (2011). Empowering Citizens or Pleasing Customers?: Commercialization and Tradition in Swedish Study Associations
Henrik Nordvall, Pelle Åberg (2011). Folkhögskolan som myt: Om global spridning och användning av nordiska folkbildningsidéer
Pelle Åberg (2011). Russisk sivilsamfunn og norske hjelpere
Pelle Åberg (2011). Svensk folkbildning i estnisk tappning?
Pelle Åberg, Johan von Essen (2011). The hybridization of civil society organizations: Member organizations as a link to civil society or as loyal business relations?
Pelle Åberg, Johan von Essen (2010). Isomorphic processes and discursive strategies: Swedish study associations caught between civil society, the state and the market
Pelle Åberg (2009). Co-operating across borders: adult education and transnational civil society co-operation
Johan von Essen, Pelle Åberg (2009). Folkrörelseanknytningar och marknadsrelationer: studieförbunden och deras grundarorganisationer, medlemsorganisationer och samverkansorganisationer
Pelle Åberg, Johan von Essen (2009). Swedish Study Associations and their Members: A Link to Civil Society or a Loyal Business Relationship?
Pelle Åberg (2008). Bjørnen vågner: Virksomhedsledelse og mennesker i USSR og Rusland 1990–1999
Pelle Åberg (2008). Translating Popular Education: Civil Society Cooperation between Sweden and Estonia
Pelle Åberg (2007). (Re-)building adult education through transnational cooperation
Pelle Åberg (2006). Spreading the word: Transnational cooperation and the (re-) building of adult education in Estonia
Pelle Åberg (2006). Transnational Socialization: Cooperation between Swedish and Estonian Adult Education Organizations
Pelle Åberg (2005). Civil Society in Different Guises
Pelle Åberg (2003). Begreppslig förvirring och ryskt civilt samhälle

Page information

Last updated:
27 June 2024