Linnea Lundgren

The Department of Civil Society and Religion

Title: PhD, Lecturer

Phone: +46 701 493 475


Address: Marie Cederschiöld högskola, Box 11189, 100 61 Stockholm
Visiting address: Erstagatan 1N

Area of work

Linnea Lundgren, PhD is employed as a lecturer at the Institution for Civil Society and Religion at Marie Cederschiöld University and as a researcher at University of Lund. She is also affiliated to the Centre for Multidisciplinary Research on Religion and Society, Uppsala University. Her research primarily focuses on issues concerning religion and civil society and more specifically on public policy and religious diversity, faith-based social action, as well as religious change in contemporary societies. Lundgren defended her PhD thesis in 2021 concerning the governance of religious diversity in Sweden and is the author of the book "The State and Religious Minorities in Sweden" (Springer Nature). She is currently participating in different research projects regarding the role of civil society actors in handling crises, religious responses to crises and the risk and impact of hate crime for faith communities.

She is the correspondent for Sweden at the EUREL database on legal and sociological data on religion in Europe and part of the Nordic network ”Leading Religion in Times of Institutional Change” (LERIC).



Katarina Plank, Helene Egnell, Linnea Lundgren (2024). Caring for Health, Bodies, and Development: Teaching New Spiritual Practices in the Church of Sweden
Helge K Nylenna, Linnea Lundgren (2024). State Church and Religious Equality: A Comparative Study of Competing Logics during the Process of Changing Relations between State and Church in Sweden and Norway
Linnea Lundgren (2023). Det civila samhället och tilliten till religiösa organisationers sociala ansvarstagande
Katarina Plank, Linnea Lundgren, Helene Egnell (2023). Meditation and Other New Spiritual Practices in the Church of Sweden
Linnea Lundgren, Katarina Plank, Helene Egnell (2023). Nya andliga praktiker i Svenska kyrkan: Från exklusiva retreatmiljöer till kyrklig vardagspraktik
Linnea Lundgren (2023). Religious Minorities as a Risk and Resource: Theoretical Perspectives on State Management of Minority Religions
Linnea Lundgren, Sara Fransson (2023). The differences between actions and desires: The role of religious congregations in national crises and disasters
Linnea Lundgren (2023). The State and Religious Minorities in Sweden
Martha Middlemiss Lé Mon, Linnea Lundgren, Annette Leis Peters (2022). Religiösa organisationer och civilsamhället
Linnea Lundgren, Linnea Jensdotter (2022). Studying Religious Change: Combining Close and Distant Reading in the Field of Sociology of Religion
Linnea Lundgren (2022). The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Europe: edited by Grace Davie and Lucian N. Leustean, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2021
Linnea Lundgren (2022). Trossamfunden och covid-19: en undersökning om hur pandemin påverkat lokala församlingar i Sverige
Linnea Lundgren (2021). A Risk or a Resource?: A Study of the Swedish State’s Shifting Perception and Handling of Minority Religious Communities between 1952-2019
Linnea Lundgren, Lars Trägårdh (2020). Det religiösa civilsamhället: En resurs eller ett hot?
Finn Nilson, Linnea Lundgren, Carl Bonander (2020). Living arrangements and fire-related mortality amongst older people in Europe
Linnea Lundgren (2019). A Diversity of Roles: The Actions Taken by Religious Communities in Sweden during the “Refugee Crisis” in 2015
Linnea Lundgren, Elisabeth Christiansson (2019). Rättigheter och barmhärtighet: oförenliga eller överbryggande diskurser?

Page information

Last updated:
27 June 2024