Johan Gärde

The Department of Social Work

Title: Lecturer, international coordinator

Phone: +46-76 636 50 03


Address: Marie Cederschiöld högskola, Box 11189, 100 61 Stockholm
Visiting address: Folkungagatan 127

Area of work


Johan Gärde (PhD) is an Associate Profession in Sociology of Religion (Uppsala University), a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Social Sciences, Ersta Sköndal Bräcke University College (ESBUC) and currently Chairman of the Council for International Academic Coordination at ESBUC. PhD in Religion of Sociology (Uppsala University, Sweden) in 1999.

Main interests:

-Civil society and Religion
-Religion and Social Work
-Religion and Conflict
-Religion and Social Change
-International Development Cooperation & Sustainable Development (focus on the social dimension)
-Islam, Civil Society and Social Change

Johan Gärde has lectured and published with a main focus on issues such as civil society, religion and social work. He has more than 25 years of field experience from Latin America and the Middle East and North Africa-region (MENA), but also with international development projects in Africa and Asia. He completed a national World Values Survey on Sunnite, Shiite and Oriental Christian values in Lebanon. He was previously a Visiting Assistant Professor at the American University of Beirut and Associate Professor at Notre Dame University in Louaize, Lebanon, responsible for a regional NGO Management and Civil Society Program for social leaders from around ten countries in the MENA-region. He’s lecturing on topics relating to religion, values, culture and social change as well as international development and civil society. He’s been initiating and coordinating the Global sessions annually with and extended international network of teachers, scholars and students in social work, nursing and related disciplines. Links:

Facebook group

Global sessions

Recent publications include articles relating to faith-based organisations and hybridity in relation to the State and faith actors´ role in sustainable development, see publications below.

REsearch conferenses, abstracts and Participation

Stockholm 2022. International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference. Member of planning committee.

Vancouver (prel. October 2020) “Religion and Sustainable Development: The Role By Faith Based Organizations In The Implementation Of Agenda 2030”. Abstract approved and Presented at the Research Conference Tenth International Conference on Religion and Spirituality in Society -Conservation, Environmentalism and Stewardship as Common Ground. Religion in Society.

Bucharest, March 6-8, 2019: “Who can I trust in Lebanon and beyond? On bonding and bridging trust in a multi-confessional context.” Abstract approved and Presented at the Research Conference From polarization to dialogue, Europe and the Evolution of cultural, religious and political discourse in the Middle East. The Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilisation Centre of Excellence of the World Academy of Art and Science.

Gothenburg, August 23, 2018: “Religious Extremism as a major hurdle to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals – faith as a factor in policy-making and implementation.” Abstract approved and Presented at the Research Conference Rethinking Development. Gothenburg University.

Cape Town, September 5-7, 2017. ”End Poverty Everywhere 2030 - The contribution of Faith Based Organizations to the Sustainable Development Goals.” Abstract approved and Presented at the Research Conference Challenging Inequalities: Human Development and Social Change. Human Development & Capability Association and Cape Town University.

Athens, March 17-18, 2017. “Intercultural social work in the developed Nordic Welfare State – Migration & Religion.” Second Post Qualifying Symposium Social Work for Social Justice and Social Change: Empowering People and Communities. Technological Education Institute/University of West Attica. Greek Association of Social Workers.

Odense, September 22-24, 2016. “Views on Social, Political and Religious Authority among Shi‘ite Populations in the Middle East and beyond.” Abstract approved and presented at the Research Conference Formations of Middle Eastern Subjectivities Cultural Heritage, Global Structures and Local Practices. Nordic Society of Middle Eastern Studies. Odense University,

Denver, November 21-24, 2015. “Marginalisation and disappointment? The Socio-economic
Conditions of Shi'ite populations in the Middle East.” Abstract approved and Presented at the Research Conference Middle East Studies Association, 49th Annual Meeting.

Puerto Vallarta (Mexico), October 30, 2015. “Intercultural Social Work in Hybrid Welfare
Provision for Refugees and Migrants in Sweden.” Abstract approved and Presented at the Research Conference Global Challenges and Cultural Psychiatry. World Association of Cultural Psychiatry.

San Francisco, August 20, 2014: “Shrinking Religious Communities, and Thriving Interreligous Social Work in Post-Secular Sweden.” Abstract approved and presented at the Research Conference 76th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Sociology of Religion, San Francisco, USA

Barcelona, July 9-12, 2008: “Faith-Based Organizations and Secular Organizations as Social Providers in a Development Context.” Abstract approved and presented at the Eighth International Conference of the International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR) and the Second European Conference of the EMES European Research Network and ISTR.

Florence, October 18-19, 2001: “The Social Impact of Faith Based Organisations in Lebanon and the MENA-Region.” Abstract approved and Presented at the Research Conference Socio-religious Movements and the Transformation of the Political Community in the Mediterranean Area: Israel-Palestine and Beyond. October 18-19. European University Institute.

Publication List (in selection)

Gärde, J. (2020) End Poverty Everywhere 2030 - The contribution of Faith. Based Organizations to the Sustainable Development Goals. Forthcoming in Journal of Human Development and Capabilities. Taylor & Francis.

Gärde, J (2020) Who can I trust in Lebanon and beyond? On bonding and bridging trust in a multi-confessional context. In” From Polarization to Cohabitation in the New Middle East.” Forthcoming.

Gärde, J. (2020) The church, faith-based organisations and the three sectors. In Handbook on Hybrid Organisations. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Gärde, J (2020) Livets mening i nya paradigm. I (Brytting, T) Livets mening, frågan och svaren. Appell Förlag.

Gärde, J. (2019). The Routinisation of Authority: A Comparative Perspective on Marginalisation, Socio-economic Factors and Perceptions on Authority in Contemporary Shiʿa Islam. Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses, 48(3), 432-461. Sage Journals.

Gärde, J. (2017). Concepts on Zakat, Caritas, and Diaconia in the changing social welfare landscape of Europe. Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 36(1-2), 164-198. Routledge.

Gärde, J. (2017) The Intervention Logics in Global and International Poverty Reduction Schemes for the Extreme Poor and the Most Deprived with a Focus on Wellbeing and Health. Revista O Mundo da Saúde.

Gärde, J. (2016) Intercultural social work in hybrid welfare provision for refugees and migrants in Sweden in Global Challenges & Cultural Psychiatry". World Cultural Psychiatry Research Review.

Gärde, J. (2015). Shrinking religious communities and thriving interreligious social work in postsecular Sweden. Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 34(1), 1-23. Routledge.

Gärde, J. (2015) How to bake the Iraqi Cake before consuming the ingredients - or Implementing human development in times of chaos and turmoil. In (Ahlberg, J) A Resource for the Future: An Iraqi Dialogue on Oil. Folke Bernadotte Academy.

Gärde, J. (2014) Religion och socialt arbete. Studentlitteratur.

Gärde, J. (2014) Crossroads, A Methodology Guide, A Collaborative Model to Combat Exclusion of Vulnerable EU- and Third-Country Nationals. Stadsmissionen and The European Union Integration Fund.

Gärde, J. (2014) Klämda mellan Arabism och Islamism. I Blir det sommar för kristna i Mellanöstern, nr 4, 27–29. Lunds Missionssällskap.

Khashan, H. & Gärde, J. (2013). Democratic Values in Lebanon's Segmented Politics. The Arab World Geographer, 16(3), 313-325.

Gärde, J. (2012) Patterns of Religiosity among Sunnis, Shias, and Christians in Lebanon's Multi-confessional Context. Middle East Critique, 21(3), 291-308. Taylor & Francis.

Gärde, J. (2012) Diapraxis- An Interreligious Approach in Social Work. Stockholm: Stadsmissionen and The European Union Integration Fund.

Gärde J., Mansour Moaddel & Jean Kors (2012). Sectarianism and Counter Sectarianism in Lebanon. USA: Easter University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research, Research Reports 12/757.

Gärde, J. (2012) A Demand-driven and Participatory Process for Peace in Iraq –The Case of Sandö I-V. In: “Human Geography: Explorations in an Iraqi Dialogue Process.” Stockholm: Folke Bernadotte Academy.

Gärde, J. (2011) Leadership challenges in the Civil Society Sector of Sweden. European Union Social Fund and Famna.

Gärde, J. (2009) Faith-Based Organisations and the Configuration of Civil Society in the MENA-perspective, 51-72. In Ahlstrand, K., & Gunner, G. (2009). Non-Muslims in Muslim majority societies: with focus on the Middle East and Pakistan. US: Pickwick Publications.

Gärde, J. (2008) Watching Muslims on TV – On bonding and bridging social trust. Uppsala: Life & Peace Institute: New Routes, nr. 2/2008.

Gärde, J. (2004) Suède : oui, mais à l’élargissement. I Outre-Terre, ISSN 1951-624X, nr 7, s. 201-204, ORCID-id: 0000-0002-9800-5373_



Karin Gerhardt, Deliang Chen, Alasdair Skelton, Johan Gärde, Åsa Kneck (2022). Nog nu, politiker – ta klimatkrisen på allvar: 1 944 svenska forskare och anställda i forskarvärlden: Vad är det ni inte förstår?
Peter Dobers, Gawell Malin, Johan Gärde, Stefan Silfverskiöld (2022). PROCEEDINGS of the 28th Annual Conference, International Sustainable Development Research Society: Sustainable Development and Courage: Culture, Art and Human Rights
Mansour Moaddel, Jean Kors, Johan Gärde (2022). Religious fundamentalism, liberal nationalism, and sectarian solidarity among Lebanese
Johan Gärde (2020). Livets mening i nya paradigm
Johan Gärde (2020). On Bonding and Bridging Trust in a Multiconfessional Context: Who can I trust in Lebanon and Beyond?
Johan Gärde (2020). The church, faith-based organisations and the three sectors
Johan Gärde (2019). The Routinisation of Authority: A Comparative Perspective on Marginalisation, Socio-economic Factors and Perceptions on Authority in Contemporary Shiʿa Islam
Riyadh Al-Baldawi, Johan Gärde, Kjell-Åke Nordquist, Johanna Schiratzki, Leif Stenberg (2018). Underskatta inte religiös extremism
Johan Gärde (2017). Concepts on Zakat, Caritas, and Diaconia in the changing social welfare landscape of Europe
Johan Gärde (2017). Intercultural social work in hybrid welfare provision for refugees and migrants in Sweden
Johan Gärde (2017). Intervention logics in global and international poverty reduction schemes for the extreme poor and the most deprived with a focus on wellbeing and health
Johan Gärde (2016). ”Fred i Syrien skulle inte betyda fred i Mellanöstern”
Johan Gärde (2015). “How to bake the iraqi cake before consuming the ingredients”: or implementing human development in times of chaos and turmoil
Johan Gärde (2015). Shrinking Religious Communities and Thriving Interreligious Social Work in Postsecular Sweden
Johan Gärde (2014). Crossroads Metodhandbok: En samarbetsmodell för att motverka utestängning av fattiga och arbetssökande EU- och tredjelandsmedborgare
Johan Gärde (2014). Kristna i Libanon: klämda mellan arabism och nationalism
Johan Gärde (2014). Religion och socialt arbete
Hilal Khashan, Johan Gärde (2013). Democratic Values in Lebanon's Segmented Politics
Johan Gärde (2013). Diapraxis. Interkulturell och religiös samvaro/dialog som metod i socialt arbete: En metodhandbok
Johan Gärde (2012). Patterns of Religiosity among Sunnis, Shias, and Christians in Lebanon's Multiconfessional Context
Mansoor Moaddel, Jean Kors, Johan Gärde (2012). Sectarianism and Counter-Sectarianism in Lebanon
Johan Gärde (2009). Faith-Based Organisations and the Configuration of Civil Society in the MENA-perspective
Johan Gärde (2008). Faith Based Organizations and Secular Organizations as Social Provisions Providers in a Developing Context: The Case of Lebanon
Johan Gärde (2008). Watching Muslims on TV – on bonding and bridging social trust
Johan Gärde (2006). Alla friheter kräver ansvarstagande
Johan Gärde (2006). Freivalds visade kurage
Johan Gärde (2004). Suède : oui, mais à l’élargissement
Johan Gärde (1999). Från invandrarkyrka till mångkulturellt samfund: En kyrkosociologisk analys av katolska kyrkan i Sverige från 1970-tal till 1990-tal
Johan Gärde (1999). Katolicismen i Sverige – mångfaldens kyrka

Page information

Last updated:
7 January 2025