Hélène Lagerlöf

The Department of Social Work

Title: Lecturer, PhD

Phone: +46-766 36 50 35

Mail: helene.lagerlof@mchs.se

Address: Marie Cederschiöld högskola, Box 11189, 100 61 Stockholm
Visiting address: Folkungagatan 127

Field of work


Hélène Lagerlöf has a PhD in social work and is a trained social - worker with a bachelor in social work. Currently she’s employed as a lecturer in social work at the Department of Social Sciences. She received her PhD in 2012 at the Department of Social Work at Stockholm University after presenting and defending her thesis” Out of home care and welfare resources – A study of schooling, leisure and peer relations among youth in residential care and foster care”. She has prior to her current position worked as a lecturer at the Department of Social Work, Stockholm University, the Department of Social Sciences at Södertörn University and at the Police academy at Södertörn University.


Within the field of Social Work, she has perennial experience of teaching at basic and advanced level, including course development and supervising student essays.


Her main research areas are children in out of home care with specific focus on everyday life and living conditions. Within the field of children in out of home care her specific areas are education, leisure and peer relations. Another area of research she has been involved in for many years is bullying and group dynamics. An area she also gives lectures in. Recent years her research has also come to include domestic violence, youth interpersonal violence and children being subjected to domestic violence. Currently she is working in a 6-year research programme called Sivin-Child (Coordinated intervention systems against violence in close relationships) at the Department of Social Sciences. In the research programme she is both a researcher and the programme’s communicator. For more information on the research programme please visit mchs.se/forskning/forskningsprogram/forskningsprogram-sivin-barn.html



Maria Eriksson, Hélène Lagerlöf (2023). BRA-samtal för barn i ekonomisk utsatthet & osäkra boendeförhållanden: En pilotstudie
Hélène Lagerlöf, Carolina Øverlien (2022). School as a context for youth intimate partner violence: young voices on educational sabotage
Sibel Korkmaz, Överlien Carolina, Hélène Lagerlöf (2022). Youth intimate partner violence: Prevalence, characteristics, associated factors and arenas of violence
Veronica Ekström, Hélène Lagerlöf (2021). Audiovisuella intryck, tid och interaktion: socionomstudenters erfarenheter av digitala föreläsningar
Maria Eriksson, Hélène Lagerlöf (2020). Metoder för att möjliggöra utsatta barns delaktighet: Exemplet BRA-samtal
Hélène Lagerlöf (2018). Det dubbla utanförskapet: HVB-placerade ungas tankar kring fenomenet mobbning: [A twofold exclusion – interviews about bullying with young people in residential care]
Hélène Lagerlöf (2017). Mobbning i skolan: om perspektiv och förståelsemodeller
Hélène Lagerlöf (2016). School related resources and potential to exercise self-determination for young people in Swedish out-of-home care
Hélène Lagerlöf (2014). Umgängesstöd i lokal: en studie om fyra kommuners arbete med umgängesfrågor
Hélène Lagerlöf (2012). Samhällsvård och välfärdsresurser
Marie Sallnäs, Stefan Wiklund, Hélène Lagerlöf (2012). Welfare resources among children in care: [Välfärdsresurser bland barn i samhällsvård]
Marie Sallnäs, Stefan Wiklund, Hélène Lagerlöf (2010). Samhällsvårdade barn, gate-keeping och forskning: [Children in out-of-home care, gate-keeping and research]
Marie Sallnäs, Stefan Wiklund, Hélène Lagerlöf (2010). Social barnavård ur ett välfärdsperspektiv: Ekonomiska och materiella resurser, psykisk hälsa och tillgång till socialt stöd för ungdomar i familjehem och institutioner: [Living conditions among children in care from a welfare perspective: Economic and material resources, psychological health and access to social support among youth in foster care and residential care]
Marie Sallnäs, Hélène Lagerlöf (2007). Forskare studerar välfärden hos barn och ungdomar i samhällsvård

Page information

Last updated:
5 February 2025