Elin Hjorth

The Department of Health Care Sciences

Title: Lecturer, PhD

Phone: +46-76 636 51 01

Mail: elin.hjorth@mchs.se

Address: Marie Cederschiöld högskola, Box 11189, 100 61 Stockholm
Visiting address: Folkungagatan 127

Field of work


My research is about understanding how people can be better supported and cared for in different life situations, with a focus on existential issues and well-being. It explores how healthcare professionals and students can better manage difficult conversations with patients, how non-profit organisations contribute to health and community, and how vulnerable groups such as the homeless experience basic needs like food and meals. By shedding light on these different areas, the research aims to improve understanding of how care and support can be developed to strengthen health and community in different contexts.



Annica Lagerin, Christina Melin-Johansson, Bodil Holmberg, Tove Godskesen, Elin Hjorth, Lena Junehag, Carina Lundh Hagelin, Anneli Ozanne, Johan Sundelöf, Camilla Udo (2024). Interdisciplinary strategies for establishing a trusting relation as a pre-requisite for existential conversations in palliative care: a grounded theory study
Ramona Schenell, Jane Österlind, Maria Browall, Christina Melin-Johansson, Carina Lundh Hagelin, Elin Hjorth (2023). Teaching to prepare undergraduate nursing students for palliative care: Nurse educators’ perspectives
Hanna Gabrielsson, Elin Hjorth, Viktoria Wallin, Lilian Pohlkamp (2023). Övergången från att vara patient med cancer till person med erfarenhet av cancer: Civilsamhällets roll i rehabilitering
Elin Hjorth, Ulrika Kreicbergs, Thomas Sejersen, Ulla Werlauff, Jes Rahbek, Malin Lövgren (2022). Parents’ advice to other parents of children with spinal muscular atrophy: Two nationwide follow-ups
Elin Hjorth, Hanna Gabrielsson, Lilian Pohlkamp, Viktoria Wallin (2021). Patientorganisationer som företräder riskgrupper under covid-19-pandemin: förändringar i organisation och relation till andra aktörer
Elin Hjorth, Malin Lovgren, Ulrika Kreicbergs, Thomas Sejersen, Eric Asaba (2021). "Suddenly we have hope that there is a future": Two families’ narratives when a child with spinal muscular atrophy receives a new effective drug
Lilian Pohlkamp, Viktoria Wallin, Elin Hjorth, Hanna Gabrielsson (2021). Ömsesidiga hjälporganisationer i Sverige uppvisar resiliens under covid-19-pandemin
Elin Hjorth (2020). Experiences of care and everyday life in a time of change for families in which a child has spinal muscular atrophy
Elin Hjorth, Ulrika Kreicbergs, Thomas Sejersen, Jørgen Jeppesen, Ulla Werlauff, Jes Rahbek, Malin Lövgren (2019). Bereaved Parents More Satisfied With the Care Given to Their Child With Severe Spinal Muscular Atrophy Than Nonbereaved
Elin Hjorth, Ulrika Kreicbergs, Thomas Sejersen, Malin Lövgren (2018). Parents' advice to healthcare professionals working with children who have spinal muscular atrophy

Page information

Last updated:
5 February 2025