Camilla von Heijne

The Department of Civil Society and Religion

Title: Lecturer, Theology Dr

Phone: +46-76 636 50 87


Address: Marie Cederschiöld högskola, Box 11189, 100 61 Stockholm
Visiting address: Erstagatan 1N



Camilla von Heijne (2021). The Victory Song of Miriam: A Comparative Analysis of  Selected Modern Jewish and Christian Commentaries to Exodus 15
Camilla von Heijne (2019). Profeten: Guds röst i samhället
Camilla von Heijne (2018). Mose ser Gud på ryggen: En komparativ analys av Andra Mosebok 34:5-7 i ett urval nutida judiska och kristna bibelkommentarer
Camilla von Heijne (2018). The Messenger of the Lord and the Theophany of the Burning Bush: A Comparative Analysis of Selected Modern Jewish and Christian Commentaries to Exodus 3:1-6
Camilla von Heijne (2017). När livet vänder
Camilla von Heijne (2015). Angels
Camilla von Heijne (2015). Drömmar och visioner: några tankar kring språkets många dimensioner
Camilla von Heijne (2014). The Dreams in the Joseph Narrative and Their Impact in Biblical Literature
Camilla von Heijne (2012). De märkliga giftermålen mellan gudaväsendena och människornas döttrar: Ett urval tidiga judiska och kristna tolkningar av Genesis 6:1-4
Camilla von Heijne (2010). Jewish Monotheism and Presocratic Philosophy: EarlyChristian Persepctives
Camilla Hélena von Heijne (2010). The Messenger of the Lord in Early Jewish Interpretations of Genesis
Camilla von Heijne (2010). The Mystery of the Marriages between the ‘Sons of God’ and the Daughters of Men’. An Analysis of Genesis 6:1– 4.
Camilla Hélena von Heijne (2008). The Messenger of the Lord in Early Jewish Interpretations of Genesis
Camilla Hélena von Heijne (2006). Concepts of God and Angelology: An Analysis of the Messeneger of the Lord in Early Jewish Interpretations of Genesis
Camilla von Heijne (2006). Philo of Alexandria and his interpretations of Genesis
Camilla Hélena von Heijne (1997). Aqedat Isak: judisk tolkning av Genesis 22:1–19
Camilla Hélena von Heijne (1995). Den pre-existente Kristus: En religionshistorisk analys av Johannes prologen

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Last updated:
5 June 2024