Coordinated intervention systems against violence in close relationships (Sivin-Children)
There has long been broad agreement in Sweden that all forms of violence against children constitute fundamental violations of the rights and integrity of children, and that violence in close relationships undermines children’s opportunities for a safe childhood and positive living conditions while growing up. A number of political measures have, therefore, been taken to combat violence against children in close relationships, including making the text in the Social Services Act more specific concerning the responsibility of social services for children who are victims.
In addition, the government has decided on action plans and a national strategy concerning this area. However, the measures that have been taken so far have not created a coordinated system, but have instead contributed to the development of separate specific actions. The authority that has the greatest responsibility for ensuring the protection of and support for children who are exposed to violence in close relationships does not, therefore, have the coordinated process that is required.
The research program Coordinated intervention systems against violence in close relationships will investigate how the various areas of social work can be coordinated, from detection and investigation to support and follow-up.
Based on both children’s vulnerability and their right to participation, the research program aims to explore the preconditions for, and contribute to the development of, a child-centred, coordinated intervention system against violence against children in close relationships. The focus is on the interventions of social services in the detection, investigation and assessment, protection and support of children and their carers. Research collaboration with local social services intends to establish the foundation for long-term commitment among both researchers and participating organisations to together build structures that can bring about lasting change in the everyday practices of social services.
The program is divided into two parts. The first part will lay the foundation for the systematic development work. In the second part, models will be created for a coordinated intervention system in a local context. The overall aim will be achieved through thirteen interlinked sub-projects focusing on children as service users, organisation and collaboration, research-based methods, and the use of knowledge in everyday professional practice.
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About the project:
- Researchers from Marie Cederschiöld högskola; R&D Södertörn; Department of Psychology at the University of Gothenburg and CESAR Centre for Social Work at Uppsala University. In addition, collaboration with Stockholm City, ten Södertörn municipalities and Save the Children’s centre for support and treatment.
Page information
- Last updated:
- 4 January 2022