Glasgow i solen på sommaren där man ser domkyrkan i staden tydligt lite uppifrån och en blå himmel med moln

Global Sessions 2024

MAY 27 - MAY 31

The Global Sessions gather students, teachers, scholars, and professionals from mainly social work and health care/nursing and related sciences to highlight actual and pressing topics of common concern. This year, the Global Sessions take place in Glasgow. Focus is on health and wellbeing among youth in an age of multiple crises.

What is the Global Session?

Global Sessions in a chance to enhance the international dimension in your studies and academic activities. It is an event where social work and health care/nursing students, from Marie Cederschiöld University (among other universities), can connect with students from different parts of the world. A way to explore the possibility of future field studies, practice, and extending international networks and global issues of common concern.

Sustainability: We will relate to the Global Goals, Agenda 2030, the Paris Agreement, and The Glasgow Climate Pact (COP 26) and later frameworks of action and see the contributions from our different disciplines with learned experiences and activities in the field.

Inequalities & Vulnerability: How do we target and understand inequalities & vulnerability? Are there new patterns that we need to address in our education and research efforts?

Interdisciplinary in approach and learning when we treat our different subjects.

International and global give us perspectives and understanding of complex issues.

Intercultural is more than understanding the other, but also strengthen the sense of “we”, and the processes of social exchanges within and between communities in society and the world.

We are also addressing the issues around sustainability and vulnerability relating to our professions and academic disciplines, both in theory and practice. We will get some examples from the field, but most important, this is an opportunity to get to learn from other students and colleagues from different backgrounds around the globe. The course approach is international, intercultural, and interdisciplinary!


  • If you have general questions about the Global Sessions, please contact
  • For participants of the Global Sessions 2024, there is also a Facebook group
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Senast uppdaterad:
24 maj 2024