For researchers and practioners
The program's 17 different work packages (research projects) are presented below. In the program's first period 2020-2022, a total of ten work packages are ongoing, and in the program's second period 2023-2025, seven work packages are ongoing. In connection with each short presentation, responsible researchers are presented.
For more information on a specific work package please contact the researchers in charge of that particular study. You find the researchers contact information in the presentations below. For questions on the research programme as a whole please contact project leader Maria Eriksson or communicator Hélène Lagerlöf.
Social Services interventions against violence from the perspective of childhood- a longitudinal study
The project aim to learn what social services interventions against violence may mean for children in a long-term perspective. During a five year period children in the age 7-12 years old will be followed and interviewed about their contacts with the social services and other agencies, and on their views on measures taken to support them.
Researchers in charge: Anders Kassman, Filip Wollter
When societal interventions to protect and support are experienced as coercive by children previously subjected to violence
WP 2 explores children's views on coercive interventions and to aid the development of a child centred intervention system. This PhD-project conducts retrospective interviews with young adults who have been subjected to violence on their experiences of child welfare interventions, family law disputes, residence and contacts and child psychiatric care. Researchers in charge: Åsa Landberg, samt Maria Eriksson, Linda Jonsson and Anna Kaldal
Children as users of coordinated interventions. Work package 3 includes two postdoc projects, one on family law and one on co-creative research.
Co-creative research is about integrating abused children's experiences of and knowledge of the social service's investigations and efforts in operational development through co-created research. The aim is to investigate how the participation of children exposed to violence in social service efforts can be strengthened and developed through co-creative research as a method. What we can learn from abused children, as well as representatives of social services and civil society organizations when we design and organize efforts or programs and whether it can be done through co-created research as a method. Researcher in charge: Karin Robertsson
Children as users of coordinated interventions. Work package 3 includes two postdoc projects, one on family law and one on co-creative research
. Postdoctoral project Family Law deals with experiences of family law processes for children who have experienced violence. Through analysis of documents and interview material, the children's voice in the investigation process is examined, and the outcome of the authorities' assessment, as well as how they relate to the ambition of equal access to protection, support and participation for all children. There is a particular focus on children with neuropsychiatric disabilities, as it has been shown in previous studies that these children are particularly vulnerable to violence. Researcher in charge: Baharan Kazemi
Accessible research knowledge and research-based methods
Workpackage 4 consists of the work to make research knowledge and research- based methods available to a larger audience such as practioners, researchers and the public. As part of this is the creation of this webpage and during the six-year programme execute to national conferences. In charge of WP4 and communicator for Sivin-Child is: Hélène Lagerlöf.
Specialised teams as organisational approaches to violence in close relationships
The aim of the project is to explore organisational, legal, institutional and professional aspects of the introduction of specialised violence teams within local authority social services. Special attention is given to Relationship Violence Centre (RVC) and Violence in close relationships (VINR) formed by local authorities in the Södertörn area.
Researchers in charge: Ann-Sofie Bergman, Maria Eriksson, Martin Börjeson, Karin Robertsson
Sheltered accommodation and the quality meeting between local social services, civil society and profit-making organisations
The project is about sheltered housing and the construction of quality in the borderland between social services, the non-profit sector and business. Researchers in charge are:
"BRA-samtal" with children whose housing situation is unstable: A rights-based and participation focused method to talk to children about their needs of information and support
Since 2011 the Children's welfare Foundation Sweden has developed a conversation model for children in difficult life situations, to increase child participation in issues regarding themselves. WP 7 tests the usefulness of the model in relation to children with unstable housing situations (such as protective housing). The project is conducted in collaboration with the Children's welfare foundation Sweden and Save the children. Researchers in charge are: Maria Eriksson and Hélène Lagerlöf
Implementing crisis intervention in the aftermath of a report to the police or social services
Aim of the project is to explore the feasibility of a family-oriented crisis intervention model in the aftermath of a police report or report to the social services regarding violence against children, within the local social services. Researchers in charge are: Linda Jonsson and Hanna Linell
Feasibility of a structured method for risk- and protection assessment of children exposed to IPV in Social services (iRiSk)
WP9 tests a structured risk. and protection assessment interview protocol in child welfare in Sweden by the name iRiSk. The models purpose is to provide support to the social services in their assessments regarding children. In the project interviews are conducted with children, parents and social workers. Researchers in charge are: Ulf Axberg, Maria Eriksson, Ole Hultmann och Clara Iversen. The project is a collaboration with the universities in Gothenburg and Uppsala.
Talking with parents who are abusive: Constructing a semi-structured interview protocol
Work package 10 is linked to WP9 In this ongoing collaboration project with researchers from ESBH, GU och UU an additional structured interview is developed to be used in child welfare investigations with parents who are abusive. Researchers in charge are: Ole Hultmann, Ulf Axberg, Maria Eriksson and Clara Iversen.
Research report from the project
Measures to support children and carers when children subjected to violence are taken into care
This project aims at develop and test measures to support children and carers when children previously subjected to violence are placed in out of home care. The project will draw on the work carried out in WP7 and WP8 where children's rights and participation is the main focus. The project is a collaboration with Save the Children and five local authorities within the social services. Researchers in charge are: Ann-Sofie Bergman and Hanna Linell.
Implementation of coordinated intervention systems
Work package 12 aims to develop and test a model for coordinated intervention systems in the local context. The work package builds on the program's other work packages and previous research in the area to support collaboration and develop a good knowledge base on interventions for children who have experienced violence. The project includes collaboration with the researchers behind the SAVE study at Karlstad University.
Researchers in charge: Maria Eriksson, Hélène Lagerlöf Birgitta Persdotter & Leigh-Ann Loebs
Young people's violence in public and violence in close relationships - coordination of efforts from school, social services and the police
The purpose of the project is to develop models for coordinated efforts for young people who have experienced violence in a close relationship and, due to their experiences, have developed their own behavioral and/or violence problems. The project takes place in collaboration with three to five local social services.
Researchers in charge:
iRiSK urgent assessments of risk and protection
The project includes the development of a structured support for professional assessments of risk in acute situations of violence in families with children. Based on current research on acute assessments, the knowledge base and layout of the iRiSk interviews and the experiences of the social emergency in Stockholm, a model for acute assessments is developed. The development work includes testing a first version of the model in some cases. The result of the development work with the social emergency is the basis for continued development of the method support in collaboration with the reception units of the social service. Researchers in charge:
Academic social services
In 2022, the social committee in the city of Stockholm has been tasked with investigating the introduction of a so-called "academic social service" in the city, a model based on social workers and researchers working together to investigate and evaluate the social service's various efforts. An academic social service is about establishing a more intimate connection between research and practice than is often the case today, and creating a structure to keep this relationship alive in the long term. The project is an assignment from the city of Stockholm and the purpose is to develop proposals for a model for how academic social services can be organized and introduced in the city of Stockholm. The assignment includes, in collaboration with a district administration (Farsta), starting and testing the implementation of a pilot activity.
Researchers in charge: Maria Eriksson, Linda Jonsson Martin Börjeson, Karin Robertsson & Anne-Lie Vainik
Publications from the project:
”Vi jobbar med familjer och barn i alla möjliga situationer” Familjestödsenheten i Farsta, 388 kB.
En modell för införandet av en akademisk socialtjänst i Stockholms stad Slutrapport, 476 kB.
Evaluation of the Relationship Violence Center (RVC) with a focus on children and young people
From autumn 2021, children whose guardians have contact with RVC can receive their own support at RVC. Support for children is given individually according to an action decision from the social services. The purpose of the project is to evaluate RVC's interventions for children, in terms of prerequisites for the interventions and their results for the users. In terms of organizational prerequisites and collaboration between the relevant businesses, the previous evaluation of RVC that the university carried out on behalf of the City of Stockholm is an important point of departure. The project is a commission from the City of Stockholm.
Researchers in charge: Maria Eriksson, Linda Jonsson & Hélène Lagerlöf
Young offenders and guardians' attitudes in the pre-trial hearing process
The project aims to gain more knowledge about effective methods in social work in order to better prevent children from entering crime. A young offender may have time to meet several professionals in different systems before, during and after a prosecution process such as school social services, the police and the legal system in general. Research often focuses on the importance of these systems. In our study, we instead focus on gathering knowledge about the importance of the guardians' approach in the prosecution process regarding their children. Researcher in charge: Anne-Lie Vainik
Page information
- Last updated:
- 5 January 2024