Experiences of receiving support from and being represented by a legal guardian
Different forms of representation affect many groups of people in society. In this pilot study, adults with mild intellectual disabilities are interviewed about their experiences of receiving support from and being represented by a legal guardian.
The focus of the study is specifically on the questions:
- How does the interviewee describe and experience the legal guardian’s task and role?
- What support does the interviewee receive from the legal guardian?
- How does the interviewee describe their relationship with the legal guardian?
Samhällsfrågor att arbeta med i framtiden
Vi har kopplat våra utbildningar till FN:s 17 globala mål för hållbar utveckling. Detta är mål som du kan få verktyg att arbeta med i framtiden:
About the project:
Project group/collaborators:
- Lill Hultman och,
- Maria Eriksson
Time period:
Research area:
Social work
Project status:
Marie Cederschiöld högskola
Page information
- Last updated:
- 4 February 2022