Lilian Pohlkamp

The Department of Health Care Sciences

Title: Lecturer

Phone: +46-70 667 38 44


Address: Marie Cederschiöld högskola, Box 11189, 100 61 Stockholm
Visiting address: Folkungagatan 127

Area of work

CNS in Psychiatric Care
BA in Education, specialisation Health Care Pedagogics
Psychotherapist Degree



Margaretha Stenmarker, Lilian Pohlkamp, Josefin Sveen, Ulrika Kreicbergs (2024). Bereaved parents’ perceptions of their cancer-ill child’s last month with or without palliative care: A nationwide study
Margaretha Stenmarker, Lilian Pohlkamp, Josefin Sveen, Ulrika Kreicbergs (2024). Palliativ vård av barn med cancer: Vårdnadshavares uppfattning om vårdform, tillgänglighet och barnets symtom i livets slut
Hanna Gabrielsson, Elin Hjorth, Viktoria Wallin, Lilian Pohlkamp (2023). Övergången från att vara patient med cancer till person med erfarenhet av cancer: Civilsamhällets roll i rehabilitering
Lilian Pohlkamp (2022). Att möta människor i komplicerad sorg
Cecilia Bartholdson, Ulrika Kreicbergs, Josefin Sveen, Malin Lövgren, Lilian Pohlkamp (2022). Communication about diagnosis and prognosis: A population-based survey among bereaved parents in pediatric oncology
Josefin Sveen, Susanna Jernelöv, Lilian Pohlkamp, Ulrika Kreicbergs, Viktor Kaldo (2021). Feasibility and preliminary efficacy of guided internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia after the loss of a child to cancer: Randomized controlled trial
Ulrika Kreicbergs, Lilian Pohlkamp, Josefin Sveen (2021). No impact of previous evidence advocating openness to talk to children about their imminent death
Lilian Pohlkamp, Josefin Sveen, Ulrika Kreicbergs, Malin Lövgren (2021). Parents’ views on what facilitated or complicated their grief after losing a child to cancer
Elin Hjorth, Hanna Gabrielsson, Lilian Pohlkamp, Viktoria Wallin (2021). Patientorganisationer som företräder riskgrupper under covid-19-pandemin: förändringar i organisation och relation till andra aktörer
Lilian Pohlkamp, Viktoria Wallin, Elin Hjorth, Hanna Gabrielsson (2021). Ömsesidiga hjälporganisationer i Sverige uppvisar resiliens under covid-19-pandemin
Lilian Pohlkamp (2020). Bereaved mothers and fathers: Grief and psychological health 1 to 5 years after losing a child to cancer
Lilian Pohlkamp (2020). Factors During a Child's Illness Are Associated With Levels of Prolonged Grief Symptoms in Bereaved Mothers and Fathers
Lilian Pohlkamp, Ulrika Kreicbergs, Josefin Sveen (2019). Bereaved mothers' and fathers' prolonged grief and psychological health 1 to 5 years after loss-A nationwide study.
Josefin Sveen, Susanna Jernelöv, Lilian Pohlkamp, Ulrika Kreicbergs, Viktor Kaldo (2019). Guided internet cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia after the loss of a child: randomized controlled trial
Lilian Pohlkamp, Ulrika Kreicbergs, Josefin Sveen (2019). Prolonged Grief is Associated with Different Factors During the Child’s Illness for Mothers and Fathers
Josefin Sveen, Lilian Pohlkamp, Ulrika Kreicbergs, Maarten C Eisma (2019). Rumination in bereaved parents: Psychometric evaluation of the Swedish version of the Utrecht Grief Rumination Scale (UGRS).
Lilian Pohlkamp, Ulrika Kreicbergs, Holly G Prigerson, Josefin Sveen (2018). Psychometric properties of the Prolonged Grief Disorder-13 (PG-13) in bereaved Swedish parents.
Elisabeth Winnberg, Ulrika Winnberg, Lilian Pohlkamp, Anette Hagberg (2018). What to Do with a Second Chance in Life?: Long-Term Experiences of Non-carriers of Huntington's Disease
Josefin Sveen, Lilian Pohlkamp, Joakim Öhlén, Jonas Sandberg, Kristina Brandänge, Petter Gustavsson (2016). Posttraumatic stress among not-exposed traumatically bereaved relatives after the MS Estonia disaster

Page information

Last updated:
7 January 2025