Elisabeth Bos Sparén

The Department of Health Care Sciences

Title: Affiliated researcher, Distric nurse

Phone: +46-70 738 30 55

Mail: elisabeth.bos-sparen@mchs.se

Address: Marie Cederschiöld högskola, Box 11189, 100 61 Stockholm
Visiting address: Folkungagatan 127

Field of work

Ongoing Research Projects

Elisabeth's research profile is within the context of primary health care. The following projects are ongoing:

1. Health and Life in Balance (HoLBalans): Reducing illness intrusiveness in life for older adults with multimorbidity in Swedish Primary Care
Health and Life in Balance (HoLBalans). Reducing the disease burden for older individuals with multimorbidity in Swedish primary care FoUI-964 443

A collaborative project funded by external grants from the Academic Primary Care Center (APC), together with Caroline Wachtler, specialist in general medicine, docent, assistant professor (APC), Jeanette Wessman, district nurse, professor, operations manager (APC), Annica Lagerin, senior lecturer, district nurse (Marie Cederschiöld University), Klas Ytterbrink Nordenskiöld, ST doctor, PhD candidate, Caroline Kappelin, ST doctor, PhD candidate. Both are PhD candidates at the Department of Family Medicine at the Department of Neuroscience, Health Care, and Society at Karolinska Institutet. (mixed methods study)

2. An ongoing sub-study within the same project (HoLBalans), together with Annica Lagerin and Caroline Wachtler – an interview study focusing on district nurses' experiences of caring for individuals with multimorbidity and mental health issues, both in outpatient care and home care. (qualitative study).



Anna Klarare, Ing-Britt Rydeman, Åsa Kneck, Elisabeth Bos Sparén, Elisabeth Winnberg, Birgitta Bisholt (2022). Methods and strategies to promote academic literacies in health professions: A scoping review
Jennifer Bullington, Mona Söderlund, Elisabeth Bos Sparén, Åsa Kneck, Pernilla Omérov, Agneta Cronqvist (2019). Communication skills in nursing: A phenomenologically-based communication training approach
Elisabeth Bos (Sparén), Charlotte Silén, Päivi Kail (2015). Clinical supervision in primary health care: experiences of district nurses as clinical supervisors - a qualitative study
Elisabeth Bos (Sparén), Hassan Alinaghizadeh, Mikko Saarikoski, Päivi Kaila (2015). Factors associated with student learning processes in primary health care units: a questionnaire study
Elisabeth Bos (Sparén) (2014). A good learning environment for nursing students in primary health care
Elisabeth Bos (Sparén), Hassan Alinaghizadeh, Mikko Saarikoski, Päivi Kaila (2012). Validating the 'clinical learning environment, supervision and nurse teacher' CLES+T instrument in primary healthcare settings using confirmatory factor analysis.
Elisabeth Bos (Sparén), Åsa Craftman (2010). Följsamhet till läkemedelsordinationerna
Elisabeth Bos (Sparén) (2010). Läkemedlens påverkan på miljön
Elisabeth Bos (Sparén) (2010). Obstipation
Elisabeth Bos (Sparén) (2010). Sömnsvårigheter
Elisabeth Bos (Sparén), Anna Löfmark, Lena Törnkvist (2009). District nurses' experience of supervising nursing students in primary health care: A pre- and post-implementation questionnaire study.

Page information

Last updated:
5 February 2025